Network Camera Devices
A3090-1.1 en
Configure the Camera
Next, configure the camera using the web interface:
1. If not already, power on the camera and connect it to the network via a shielded
Ethernet cable to the POE switch.
2. Open a JavaScript-enabled web browser and enter the IP address of the
networked eDAQ to display the eDAQ web interface.
3. Click on the hardware tab and then Manage Network Cameras beneath the
hardware table to navigate to the camera setup page.
4. Click the Find Cameras on Network button under Available Networked Cameras to
add the networked camera. The new entry is named “Misconfigured Camera.”
5. Verify that the serial number for the new entry matches the serial number on the
shell of the camera.
If the serial number does not match, follow the troubleshooting steps in
“Troubleshooting During Configuration” on page 15
6. Click on the Correct camera configuration link under the camera entry to open the
camera configuration page. Follow the on-screen instructions to assign the camera
an IP address.
7. Wait during the configuring camera screen for the messge that the Network is
properly configured. Select Return to Manage Network Cameras Page button to
return to the manage network cameras page.
If the configuration fails, try power cycling any switches or routers on the
If problems persist, refer to the troubleshooting steps in
“Troubleshooting During
Configuration” on page 15
8. Click the Select this camera link under the camera entry to add the camera to the
Selected Network Cameras list.
If there is no camera under Available Networked Cameras click the Find
Cameras on Network button.
9. Click the Update eDAQ hardware list button to reset the eDAQ and add the camera
to the eDAQ hardware table on the main hardware page.