Operation instructions | EOC 1-32 and EOC 2-32 | Ethernet over Coax Peer to Peer
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AXING-BA_EOC-1-2-32.pdf | Technical improvements, changes in design, printing and other errors reserved. | 2022-08-16
The devices connected to LAN1 / 2 receive their IP addresses from the DHCP server (usually on the Internet
router). Devices connected via WiFi also receive their IP addresses from the DHCP server..
EOC 1-11 receive no IP addresses. The EOC 2-11 receive two IP addresses each from the DHCP server (one for
G.hn and one for WiFi).
Make a note of the MAC addresses of the EOC 2-11 and the associated IP addresses.
WiFi access to EOC 2-32
The EOC 2-3x offers two WiFi bands, 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz.
Depending on which technology your end device supports, you log on to the respective band.
The factory SSIDs of the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz WiFi band and the password are printed on the bottom of the device.