8: M
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© 2016 Axia Audio - Rev 2.0
The Axia accessory modules use the 5vDC supply to illuminate LED based buttons. So a one-to-one pin connection
is all that is needed between any accessory modules and a GPIO port.
Note, all of the inputs and outputs on a specific GPIO port are “grouped together”. The 5 “Outputs” are on 5 separate
output pins, however, they share the same “Common Return” connection on Pin #7. Similarly, the 5 “Inputs” pins
would be pulled to ground to activate them, and they share a common pin for a high-side rail, on Pin #10. If more
than one remotely-controlled device is to be connected to a single 15-pin I/O port, you must make sure that the two
units in question have the same ground potential or ground loops will occur. Therefore, it is recommended that only
one remote device be connected to each I/O port connector to assure complete electrical isolation.
Figure 8-7
Simple Setup
Simple Setup page provides the only configuration access to the two GPIO ports. Each port is represent by a row.
The name column is used to assist with documenting the function of the port (or the device which is connected to
the port). The Channel column is used to configure the port. The input and output columns show a grouping of boxes
that represent each of the 5 GPIs and 5 GPOs. A high state (not active) is represented by a black box. A low state
(active) is represented by a green state.
Configuration of a port can be accomplished in three different ways.
Port routing
– The GPI activity on a port will trigger the GPO of the port you are configuring. (you are
routing the GPIs of a port to another port’s GPOs). This is done by entering in the IP address of the device
with a GPIO port followed by a forward slash and the port number. – equates to port 5 at
address assigned to port 1 would be a loopback; GPI activity on the port would
trigger the GPO of the same port (used for testing)
Channel assignment
– The GPIO port will follow the logic as defined by a control surface. Axia control
surfaces have predefined logic for a source loaded to a fader. The logic is shared on the network through
the use of the unique channel number for a source. Refer to Appendix A for common predefined functions.
Refer to the control surface manual for updated information on these functions. To assign a port to a chan-
nel, either manually type in the channel number in the field OR use the browse button to search the network
for advertised sources.
Pathfinder control
– The Pathfinder series of products has the ability to observe GPIO activity as well as
trigger GPO activity. Nothing is required to configure in the GPIO xNode, all the configuration is done in
Pathfinder. Please refer to Pathfinder documentation for detailed information.
Any manual entries made into fields will require you to save the work by pressing the APPLY button.