C. Installing the grill (See figure 3) :
1. Insert the oil collector on the first layer.
2. Insert the grill rack on the proper upper layer of oil collector.
Note: While cooking, the grill rack, oil collector, layer frame around, rotary grilling bracket, rotary
grilling broach get dirty, their cleaning should be done separately.
D. Installing the rotary grilling bracket:
1. Put oil collector in the first layer.
2. Insert rotary grilling bracket into oven layer 4 (figure 4) (the location of rotary grilling bracket can
only be in layer 4, rotary grilling broach can be normally used).; (See figure 4).
3. Make chicken or duck with your favorite ingredients, insert chicken or duck in the rotary grilling
broach (figure 5); cover the food with aluminum foil wrap if required
Figure 3
Figure 5
Figure 4
rotary grilling bracket
oil collector