Commissioning of a SOLO-system
Commissioning of a SOLO-system requires a MIFARE DESFire EV2 card or tag. If data in the sys-
tem should be spread by the cards/tags of the users, the Master reader should be the reader
where most users passes.
1. Select the master reader.
2. If not already done, connect and commission the reader
3. Enter the programming mode of the selected master reader.
The programming mode is entered by pressing the programming button (the rightmost
round button) and entering of the programming code. (Default set to 112233).
4. Navigate to menu
Options > Operating mode and select Master.
5. Return to main menu and navigate to
tags menu. Select New tag and present a
MIFARE DESFire EV2 tag, from now referred to as programming tag. Select
Yes if the
question to
erase tag appears.
6. Perform configuration of tags, codes time schedules and so on.
7. Exit the programming mode
8. Present the Programming tag to the master reader until
Hold tag disappears.
9. For all slave readers,
i. If not already done, connect and commission the reader
ii. Enter programming mode
iii. Navigate to menu
Options > Operating mode and select Slave.
iv. Select
Pair system.
v. Present the Programming tag to the reader until
Hold tag disappears.
vi. Set time/date and active buttons for radio keys.
vii. Exit the programming mode
5 (9)
ManualA66 SOLO