The rest of this discussion will assume you are using
Hyperterminal. When you start Hyperterminal it will ask you to
create a new connection. Call it APPIII (or any name you like).
The prompt will ask you to enter a phone number and will show a
box that contains the ID of your modem. You can also select a
direct COM port in this box, and that's what you'll do. Pick the
COM Port you are using to connect to the APP-III.
Next, Hyperterminal will prompt you for serial port parameters.
Select 19200 baud (19.2 kBaud), 8 bits, 1 stop bit and no parity.
Most importantly, you must set the handshaking or flow control to
Once you've set up the connection, you should be able to see hex
numbers displaying on the terminal. This shows that your RS-232
connection is working. If you don't see the output (but the LED is
still pulsating) check the MAX232 wiring and the settings on the
terminal program (for example, some programs require you to use
a connect command to start communications).
Congratulations! Your APP-III is working. Now you can do some
To assist you further in programming, you can download a few
sample HEX files from our Web site (
). One of these is the test program that is
running on the APP-III right now. To test the programming feature
of the APP-III, replace the shorting cap on the ICSP header and
press the RESET button. The LED should quit blinking (because
the PIC is in program mode and not running your program).
You'll need to download the app3 program from the AWC web
site. This program is a Windows console program (other
downloaders may be available on the web site). The easiest way to
run it is from a command prompt. If you are connected to COM1,