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Room Entry Sensor 



AVTECH Software, Inc.


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Position the magnet (the piece without wires) on the edge 
of the door or window so that when it closes, the magnet 
closely abuts the proximity switch without actually 
touching it. The two pieces may directly face one another 
or form a right angle, as shown here, giving you more 
installation options. 



Mount the two pieces securely with screws through their 
flange holes, as shown here, or with an adhesive. 

Step 4: Connect your Room Entry Sensor to Room Alert. 



Run the speaker wire from the proximity switch back to your 
Room Alert monitor or a Sound, Light & Entry Sensor (SLE). 



Connect the free ends (the ¼" leads) of the speaker cable to an 
open switch sensor port on your Room Alert. Again, the 
proximity sensor’s leads are non-polarized, so you may connect 
either lead to either of the port’s dry contacts. 


Configure Your Room Entry Sensor 

With Room Alert’s Built-In Web Interface 

Navigate to 




 in your Room Alert web interface. The options you see 

below will vary depending on your Room Alert model.




Do not connect the dry contacts on AVTECH products or other electrical appliances 
to any live circuit. 

Use only low-voltage 2-wire cable to connect dry contacts. 
