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Valid signal threshold management
This particular function, called WIND UP can be programmed only with the use of the HPSOFT
software; it enables selection of the intervention zone of the barrier. It is possible to virtually
reduce the analysis lobe, enabling to select all those situations that might create system instability.
Often the generated lobe interests lateral zones where, the presence of hedges, metal nets or
other, create continuous disturbance. The WIND UP function enables modulating the lobe at
software level, until it becomes 20%-30% smaller than that declared. Usually the lobe creates a
sort of cigar effect between TX and RX; by activating the WIND UP function, the cylindrical
shape of the lobe will be amended creating a real and proper ellipse.
This function ensures that the compensation is not activated for signals inside the yellow and
green lines, indicating the valid signal threshold.
The signal is considered valid when it overcomes the reference lines.
The graphic displaying is had by checking the position of the YELLOW AND GREEN lines on the
oscilloscope. The greater the distance between the lines, the more the barrier rejects signals that
would activate compensation with factory adjustments.
The numerical indications (15 - 30 - 60)
indicate by how much the valid signal threshold of the
barrier increases or decreases.
Graphic displaying on the management software.
Graphic indication of the possible reduction of the signal threshold.
The indications below are merely indicative. Only a field test will precisely indicate the coverage
zone and the valid signal thresholds.
Green L.
Yellow L.
Green L.
Yellow L.
Green L.
Yellow L.
6,5 meters
10 meters
16 meters
2 meters
BM120HP - BM200HP
3 meters
1,2 meters
3 meters
4 meters
Sensitive zone
Sensitive zone
Alarm Zone