3.12 LED
User can control the 2 single color LED indicators, LED0 and LED1 (corresponding to usr_led and
sys_led) on MaaXBoard Board. Execute the following instructions in terminal to control them. Users could
also write their own applications to control the LED.
Light out LED:
em_sbc_imx8m:/ # echo 0 | tee /sys/class/leds/usr_led/brightness
em_sbc_imx8m:/ # echo 0 | tee /sys/class/leds/sys_led/brightness
Light up LED:
em_sbc_imx8m:/ # echo 1 | tee /sys/class/leds/usr_led/brightness
em_sbc_imx8m:/ # echo 1 | tee /sys/class/leds/sys_led/brightness
3.13 UART
MaaXBoard supports 2 UART interface.
MaaXBoard (CPU)
Interface Type
UART TTL (Debug Interface)
3.13.1 UART1
UART1 is the default debug interface for Android OS, which can be used to login the shell environment of
MaaXBoard. Connection methods:
1. Connect the debug interface to PC with USB to TTL converter. Pin 6, 8 and 10 of J10 to the GND,
RXD and TXD pin of the USB to TTL converter.
2. Install the Serial Communication software (e.g. PUTTY), select the corresponding port number,
baudrate as 115200, data bits as 8, stop bits as 1, parity as none.