Delete Zone
The menu item "Delete Zone" provides a list of all existing zones and the possibility to delete these
along with all known data.
Transportation lock
The transportation lock deactivates the motion sensor and secures the RC 9 remote control against
unintentional power-up and thus saves battery while moving. In order to activate the transportation
lock please navigate to the menu item "Transportation lock" and press the Enter key (10). In order to
deactivate the transportation lock again, please press any key on your RC 9 remote control.
In order to control a CS 5.2 with your RC 9 remote control, both devices first need to be linked. This
process is also referred to as "Pairing". in order to start the pairing process, please switch off your CS
5.2 by using the mains switch (34) on the rear side of the unit. Now please navigate to the "Systems
Settings" menu on your RC 9 remote control by pressing the Settings key (9) and navigate to the menu
item "Start Pairing"
selecting it with the Enter key yet. Switch on your CS 5.2 by using the
mains switch (34) on the rear side of the unit and immediately press the Enter key of your RC 9 remote
control (10). The name of a succesfully detected device (such as your CS 5.2) will instantaneously be
shown on the display of your RC 9 remote control and can be edited by using the alphanumeric input
keys (25). After confirming the name of the paired device, you can also choose one of four available
Hotkeys (see 4.3.). By pressing the Enter key (10) again, the pairing process is completed.
Source Menu
As soon as a connection between your RC 9 remote control and your CS 5.2 has been established (for
details please refer to section 4.4.5), the Source Menu offers a choice of available sound sources such
as "Internet Radio", "Audio Server", or "Local Input". The Source Menu can be accessed by pressing
the Home menu key (9) on your RC 9 remote control. In addition to the possibility of selecting a sound
source, the Source Menu also offers a menu item named "Receiver Settings" where system settings o
the included streaming module of your CS 5.2 can be edited (Network, Software, Quick Start, Clock).
Receiver Settings
The menu item "Receiver Settings" offers a series of useful options to configure your CS 5.2 (Network
settings, Software Updates, Quick Start Function, Time etc.).
By selecting the menu item "
Network Status
" you get access to a number of current information on an
established network connection such as Connection Type, IP Adress, Subnet Mask, Gateway IP.
By selecting the menu item "
Wlan Status
" you get access to a number of current information on an
established wireless connection such as Signal Quality, WiFi channel, and Encryption type.
By selecting the menu item
the current MAC Adrress of your CS 5.2 is being
displayed. This name is used as a reference for other computers located in the same network (UPnP).
The menu item
„IP Settings“
offers you the choice between an automatically assigned IP address
("Automatic (DHCP)") or a manual IP address ("Manual input"). Unless you are an expert with a good
understanding of local network protocols, we strongly recommend to choose the "Automatic (DHCP)"
option. When in doubt, please consult your local dealer who can help you to set up your network
The menu item
„Wlan Settings“
provides a list of all available wireless networks (SSIDs) which can be
accessed with the navigation keys (11) and selected by pressing the Enter key (10). After entering the
password and selecting an IP configuration mode ("Automatic (DHCP)" or "Manual input") your CS 5.2
is connected to the selected WiFi network.