password and selecting an IP configuration mode ("Automatic (DHCP)" or "Manual input") your AVM
device is connected to the selected WiFi network.
The selection of the menu item
„Network restart“
resets all network options and restarts the
streaming module of your AVM device which can take up to approximately 30 seconds.
: When changing from LAN to WLAN or vice-versa a network restart is mandatory.
By activating the "
Quick start function
" the network processor of your AVM device is permanently
activated which leads to faster start up times of the streaming functionalities such as Internet Radio or
Music Server etc. Please note that an activation of the Quick Start Function leads to higher power
By selecting the menu item
the current software version of the AVM device.
streaming module and the release date of the software is displayed. By selecting the "Update" option,
a softare update can be installed via Internet or from a connected USB drive.
The menu item
gives you access to the clock settings. In case of an existing internet
connection both the AVM device and the RC 9 remote control receive their time from a NTP server
(Network Time Protocol for clock synchonization).
Webradio Quick start
The integrated webradio offers you a wide range of radio stations from all over the world. You can
either browse the many webradio stations by format, location, or language by using the RC 9 remote
control or the RC S App for iOS and Android. Advanced settings
The webradio of your Media Player provides you with some handy comfort functions enabling you to
discover and organize the vast amount of available webradio stations in a simple way. Here you can
collect your favorite radio sations in so-called
or add new radio stations to the
Added Stations
Before you can start using the comfort functions of your webradio you need to register your Media
Player device online at the AVM portal by vTuner. vTuner lets you access their vast collection of
webradio stations and transmits them directly to your registered Media Player device (internet
connection provided). The following step-by-step-instructions will show you how to to set-up and
organize your vTuner account.
How to register your Media Player at vTuner
In order to make use of the handy comfort functions of your Media Player (such as
My Added Stations
) you need to register your device online at the AVM portal by vTuner.
To register your Media Player you need to identify the ID of your device. The ID is a string of letters and
numbers which is being displayed either on your RC 9 remote control or the RC S app for iOS and
How to identify the ID by help of the RC S App:
Please make sure there is a connection established
between your RC S App and your Media Player device. Select the menu item
at the lower left
of the screen. Now, scroll down in the webradio menu displayed. At the bottom of the webradio menu
you will find a string of letters and numbers which is marked with "#ID".