View or download the scanned images (PC)
To view or download your scanned images, you can either remove the
micro SD card and connect it to a card reader, or connect the scanner to
your computer via the supplied USB cable (be sure to turn on your
Your computer should recognize the card or the scanner as a Removable
Click the Removable Disk and you will find a folder of [
] is created
and all the PDF files will be stored in the subfolder of [
] and the
JPEG files in the subfolder of [
]. File name starts from
IMG_0001.pdf or IMG_0001.jpg.
While connecting and turning on the scanner, the batteries can not be charged!
View or download the scanned images (iPad)
Plug the iPad Camera Connector
not included
to iPad dock connector. Plug the USB connector to iPad Camera Connector.
The scanned images in the micro SD card of your scanner will be displayed in iPad in 3 seconds. Choose [
Import All
] to load
the scanned images to the album of your iPad.
To use OCR (convert image text to searchable text) feature through the supplied software application, please refer to the
online help of the software application in the CD.
Start sheet-fed scanning with feeder dock
By attaching the feeder dock into the scanner, the whole unit allows you to start auto scan as soon as your document is inserted
to the feeding slot. When the scan is finished, the image is saved in the memory card. In addition, the whole unit allows you to
connect the power with the supplied power adapter.
Only MiWand 2L PRO/MiWand 2 PRO comes with a feeder dock!
Press and HOLD the latch at the left end.
Plug the right end of the scanner to the right end of the feeder dock with the copper strips
inserting into the hole.
Place the left side of the scanner to the slot.
Release the latch.
Connecting the power (via *power adapter/*USB power cable):
Simply plug the small end of the power adapter to the power jack of the ducking unit and
the other end to a power outlet.
Or plug the small end of the USB power cable to the power jack of the feeder dock and the
other end to the USB port of your computer.
Power Adapter: Available for full version only!
While connecting the scanner with the power adapter or USB power cable, if you turn off
the scanner, the Li-Ion battery (for MiWand 2L) can be charged!
To scan with the feeder dock, you need to connect the scanner to the supplied
power adapter or USB power cable!
Press to turn on the scanner.
Refer to the preceding page on [
Choose your desired scan settings
] to select your
desired scan settings.
Insert a page
and align it to the left edge of the feeding slot.
The scan is automatically started when your document is fed into the feeding slot. When
the scan is finished, the image is saved in the memory card.
By default, the Preview mode is on allowing you to view the scanned images for 2 seconds immediately after scanning
(available for JPEG file format only).
(Full version)
(Simplified version)
Refer to the following list for a proper scan speed (based on an A4-size paper):
0.6 second (B&W, 300 dpi)/1.6 second (Color, 300 dpi)
2.4 second(B&W, 600 dpi/900 dpi)/6.5(Color, 600 dpi/900 dpi)
* 900 dpi: Only available for MiWand 2L!