Avira AntiVir Virus Scan Adapter
Avira GmbH
Verifying Updates Authenticity with GnuPG
GnuPG is a free alternative to the encryption program PGP (Pretty Good Privacy). Using
GnuPG you can verify the authenticity of the AntiVir Updates.
Follow these steps to activate GnuPG support:
Download GnuPG from the website
. Here you can also find
the manual with further information on GnuPG and its features.
Generate your own PGP key pair, as described in the documentation.
Import the AntiVir public PGP key to your key-ring:
gpg --import antivir.gpg
– OR –
Import the AntiVir public key directly from the key server:
gpg --keyserver=wwwkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys 0F821C2E
Display the fingerprint of the key to check if it really is the AntiVir PGP key:
gpg --fingerprint [email protected]
The 40-character fingerprint is displayed.
Check whether the fingerprint corresponds with the one on the AntiVir website
Sign the AntiVir public key in order to certify its validity:
gpg --sign-key [email protected]
Change to the
sub-directory of the AntiVir installation directory (example):
cd /tmp/antivir-vsa-prof-<version>/bin
Here you can find the files
Check the signature with:
gpg --verify antivir.asc antivir
If you do not get any error message, you can use GnuPG for AntiVir updates.
Activate GnuPG for AntiVir. In
enter the path to GnuPG binaries,
using the option
GnuPGBinary /usr/local/bin/gpg
Restart Internet Update Daemon to activate the new settings in
/usr/lib/AntiVir/avupdater restart
From now on, GnuPG authenticates the updates.
It is highly recommended to use GnuPG.
However, this procedure requires extensive knowledge of UNIX and
GnuPG. In the event of configuration errors, there is the danger of
deactivating AntiVir updates.
The user running updates on the computer has to perform these
steps. Usually it has to be a user with administrator rights.
You can find more details of GnuPG at
You can only edit this option in
manually. Setting in
the configuration script is not possible in order to avoid the danger of
configuration errors.