Avira AntiVir UNIX Server
Avira GmbH
AntiVir Guard
You are asked if you want to install AntiVir Guard:
Type N and confirm with Enter.
The next step is for the installation of the optional user interface (GUI):
If you want to install the GUI:
Java 1.4.0 or higher must be installed on your system
Answer Y when asked about GUI installation.
The GUI program files are copied.
Finally, you can configure the AntiVir Updater and start the AntiVir Guard immediately
(if already activated during the installation, AntiVir Guard starts automatically on start-
End this procedure by answering N.
3) installing AvGuard
Version 2.1.8-30 of AntiVir for UNIX Server is capable of on-access,
real-time scanning of files. This provides
There are several ways in which you can install AvGuard.
module - Dazuko will be loaded by the avguard script
kernel - Dazuko is always loaded
(and should not be loaded by the avguard script)
no install - do not install AvGuard at this time
available options: m k n
How should AvGuard be installed? [k]
4) installing GUI (+ SMC support)
Would you like to install the GUI (+ SMC support)? [y]
AntiVir UNIX Server is provided with a GUI, which enables
monitoring of realtime activity, the display of log entries and
configuration of the product. However, AntiVir is fully functional
even without the GUI.
5) configuring AntiVir Updater
Would you like to configure AntiVir updater now? [y] n
Would you like to start AvGuard now? [y] n
If you answer Y, AntiVir configuration script starts. You can carry out
configuration at any time later. We recommend that you first learn
about the configuration options and then carry out configuration.