• Select your flying area carefully. Always choose an open space that is clear and not obstructed by
trees, poles, pylons, and buildings etc. Also ensure you are away from people and crowded areas.
Avoid flying in areas with roads, near water, or within close proximity to full size air traffic.
• Do not fly this model in poor weather, for example: high winds, low visibility, inclement temperatures,
and rain and storms are also to be avoided.
• Never attempt to catch the model whilst it is in flight, even a slow moving model can cause harm to
yourself and risks damage to the model.
• This model is not recommended for children under the age of 14 years old. All children no matter
what age, should be supervised by a capable and responsible adult when operating this model.
• Always unplug your model battery when not in use, never leave the battery installed in the model.
• Please remember to keep clear of the propellers at all times when your flight battery is connected.
• Before flying, always turn ON your transmitter first, then plug your flight battery into the model.
• After flying, always unplug your battery first in the model and then turn OFF your transmitter.
• Exercise caution when charging your batteries, and follow in full your battery manufacturers safety
guideline when doing so.
1. Always range check your model before any flying. Follow your radio manufacturers guidelines for
performing this check.
2. Check all screw and mounting points are firmly secured including control horns and clevises.
3. Only fly with fully charged batteries. Failure to do so could result in loss of control, damage to the
model and possibly property around you. Make sure your batteries are fully charged.
4. With the model powered up check that all control surfaces are free from damage, moving in the
correct directions and with no binding.
5. Inspect the model and props for any damage that may have occurred during transit to your flying site.
Listen for any unusual sounds from the electronics when powered up, if in doubt, do not fly.
6. With the model held securely and the propellers free of obstructions, increase the throttle just slightly
to confirm the rotation of the propellers is correct . The model should want to pull straight forward
when the throttle is applied.
7. If this is your first flight with the model double check that the C of G is at the correct position. If not,
adjust the battery position inside model as necessary.
8. If you are an inexperienced model pilot, seek the help and assistance of an experienced pilot to
perform these final checks, and to test fly the model for you.