Flying the KingTwin simply put
is a
pure joy. Its twin counter rotating prop design, its long wing and am
power system combine to give a very locked in, stable and fun flying experience. When flying the
ing Twin
you’ll want to have a good short grass runway or hard surface to fly from and take off runs are a breeze with
mid flap setting. The model will take-off after a short run out at just above 1/2 throttle and settle into a nice
smooth climb out. Retract the gear as you climb out and this cleans the airframe up nicely by the time you
have made your first turn and increase power and retract flaps as you do. At this point you’ll be ready for your
first fly by (after any trimming that is needed). Right away you’ll see how locked in the KT-1700 flies, low
throttle, mid and full throttle passes low to the ground are especially satisfying. The KingTwin has good
aerobatic potential along with the more typical scale flight, rolls and loops being performed with ease as well
as other aerobatics. Slow flight is very enjoyable with the KingTwin
which is surprising for a model of its size.
Full flap
by’s with less than half throttle are easily
with the KT1700
, and
when combined with
turns coordinate
the ailerons
rudder to reduce the risk of stall.
When you are ready to land
line up with the runway and bring the gear down and initially
mid flaps. Once
the KingTwin settles into the approach, use power all the way through your approach to control de
cent and
keep airflow over the control surfaces. Full flaps can be deploy
as you enter your final approach to further
slow the model down if needed. A nose down approach not only looks cool but also helps maintain airspeed so
is recommended. You will want to aim to land the KingTwin on the rear main wheels first then touch down with
the nose wheel. Feed in elevator once very close to the ground to bring the nose up and flare onto the main
gear. Once down the KingTwin will come quickly to a stop if flying from grass, but on hard surfaces will run on
a little. Avoid using excess rudder/steering inputs if it does. Flight times on the recommended battery with
mixed throttle use are on average around 7 minutes.
Thank you for purchasing the KingTwin 1700, we wish you many pleasant flights and if the worst should
happen, don’t forget we do have spare parts available too.
Double check you have the props installed correct
, they should rotate in
the nose.
A 4cell
o weighing between 360-370g is recommended for the best combination of AUW and flight
times with mixed throttle use.
The King
win slows down really well with flaps and is a lot of fun flying at these slower speeds low to
the ground, so don’t use them just for take-offs and landings.
Use a little rudder in the turns, especially when flying slow. A coordinated turn not only looks better but
will give you more control too.
After a few flights
check the nose landing gear to ensure it hasn’t bent back a little if you’ve had some
nose wheel first landings. It should always be raked a little forwards to maintain the nose up attitude of
the model when on the ground.
KingTwin 1700 Flying Tips: