Chapter 3: Using Studio Monitor Express
The Config tab shows the current audio driver, and provides level controls for
. The Config tab is slightly different
depending on whether you are using Mac or Windows.
For Mac, see “Mac Config Tab” on page 11; for Windows, see “Windows Config Tab” on page 12.
Mac Config Tab
On Mac, the
tab displays the currently selected Core Audio device driver and lets you set
output levels.
Audio Device
This menu selects the Core Audio driver for the sound card to use with SME.
Set Dim Level
Sets the program signal’s absolute Dim Level when the Control Room Setup Touchscreen’s Dim button is active.
Set Fixed Level
Sets a fixed output level for the Control Room output. This is useful for sending the DAW output to a separate mixer or router
that has its own level controls, instead of controlling the output level from SME.
When the output driver is changed, patching is reset to default settings with no external or output patches enabled. Patches must
be reassigned in the Patching tab.
Config tab (Mac)