A V G 9 A nti V irus © 2 0 1 0 C opyright A V G T ec hnologies C Z, s .r.o. A ll rights res erved.
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8.3. Anti-Rootkit
A rootkit is a program designed to take fundamental control of a computer system,
without authorization by the system's owners and legitimate managers. Access to the
hardware is rarely required as a rootkit is intended to seize control of the operating
system running on the hardware. Typically, rootkits act to obscure their presence on
the system through subversion or evasion of standard operating system security
mechanisms. Often, they are also Trojans as well, thus fooling users into believing
they are safe to run on their systems. Techniques used to accomplish this can include
concealing running processes from monitoring programs, or hiding files or system data
from the operating system.
8.4. Remote Administration
Remote Administration
component only displays in the user interface of
Anti Virus
in case you have installed the network edition of your product (
). In the
Remote Administration
dialog you can find the
information on whether the component is active and connected to server. All settings
of the
Remote Administration
component is to be done within the
Settings / Remote Administration
For detailed description of the component's options and functionality within the AVG
Remote Administration system please refer to the specific documentation dedicated to
this topic exclusivety. This documentation is available for download at
AVG website
), in the
Support center / Download / Documentation
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