GPS Info
This page displays the GPS receiver’s satellite reception, local and UTC time (24hr format -
independent of the GPS receiver’s own clock), current longitude and latitude, altitude and
traveling speed.
The vertical bars on the Satellite page indicate the signal strength of the received satellite(s). The
higher the bar, also higher the number, the stronger the signal. The number below each bar
indicates the satellite number.
The Almanac is a simple page that provides sunrise
and sunset times, current phase of the moon, age of
the moon, full moon and the next new moon
Current Location
Use this page to get information about the current position and from this page the location can be
saved to the Favorites folder.
Bars indicate device is receiving
satellite signal
Satellite signal strength
Numbers below the bars indicate satellite number
Figure 14A
Figure 14B
Summary of Contents for Voya 350
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