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Introduction to HDm-SplITpRo-4A
This 4 x1 multiviewer Scaler was developed for the growing demand in the security videoconference and sporting events.
This 1u HDmI device can accept 4 HDmI input digital sources and then combine (4) four video signals onto a single HDmI HD
monitor The user can easily manage each input via the menu settings and create any layout and position of any of the 4 (four)
Inputs on a single monitor. This device supports full range of video resolutions up to WuXGA@60 (RB) or full HD1080p and
audio supported up to 8-channel lpCm with 192 kHz sampling rate for both input and output. Audio channels can be selected
to playback with input or can be muted.
Seamless Switching, Fade In Out – This device can input any 4 HDmI input digital sources and then combine, (4) four video
signals onto a single HDmI HD monitor. The user will benefit with from its processing power to seamlessly switch between the
8 different Hot key function via, IR Remote, Telnet, Rs232 or front panel buttons.
Zoom In/out – This device can Zoom In/out any 4 HDmI input digital sources and then combine, (4) four video signals onto
a single HDmI HD monitor. This device can be configured using the oSD, IR Remote, Telnet, Rs232 or front panel buttons to
set the desired layout configuration.
PIP,POP, Overlay – This device can input any 4 HDmI digital sources and then combine, (4) four video signals onto a single
HDmI HD monitor, which the user can select picture In picture (pIp) , picture on picture (pop) or overlay with the oSD, IR
Remote, Telnet, Rs232 or front panel buttons to set the desired layout configuration.
Channel Size and Position – The user can easily change the individual channel size and choose different position and layout
on the single monitor with the oSD, IR Remote, Telnet, Rs232 or front panel buttons to set the desired layout configuration.
Rotation (90˚ & 180˚) & Mirror – The user can easily Rotate the image 90˚ left and right also Mirror the image. This device
can be configured with the oSD, IR Remote, Telnet, Rs232 or front panel buttons to set the desired layout configuration.
Chromakey – This device can input 4 HDmI digital sources but only utilize (2) two Inputs for this technique layering two images
or video streams together based on color hues (chroma range). Where CH1 is the background and CH 2 is the top image. This
device can be configured with the oSD, IR Remote, Telnet, Rs232 or front panel buttons to set the desired layout configuration.
It is commonly used for weather forecast broadcasts, wherein a news presenter is usually seen standing in front of a large
CGI map during live television newscasts, though in actuality it is a large blue or green background. When using a blue screen,
different weather maps are added on the parts of the image where the color is blue. If the news presenter wears blue clothes,
his or her clothes will also be replaced with the background video. A complementary system is used for green screens. Chroma
keying is also used in the entertainment industry for special effects in movies and videogames. The advanced state of the
technology and much commercially availablecomputer software, such as Autodesk Smoke final Cut pro pinnacle Studio Adobe
After Effects, and dozens of other computer programs, makes it possible and relatively easy for the average home computer
user to create videos using the "Chromakey" function with HDm-SplITpRo-4A.