Preface 7
Document Conventions
Initial Capital Letters
Names of windows and dialog boxes. For example, the
Add VDN dialog box appears.
[key] or [button]
The name of a button or keyboard key. For example,
click the [Blind] button or press the [F5] key.
Hot key combinations you press down simultaneously
to make the computer perform a function. For
example, the Ctrl+S hot key combination saves your
Italicized text
Reference documents.
Click and double-click
The action of pressing the left or right mouse button
once or twice. Always click the left button unless the
right button is specified.
Related Documents
For information on the Interaction Data Server, refer to the following
documentation on the Avaya Contact Center Express CD:
Interaction Data Server User Guide
For information on the Configuration Server, refer to the following documentation
on the Avaya Contact Center Express CD:
Configuration Server User Guide