Filters and QOS Configuration for Ethernet Routing Switch 5500
Technical Configuration Guide
January 2013
11. Configuration Steps
– Policy Configuration
11.1 Role Combination
A role combination is formed by assigning one or more physical ports to the role an d by designating the
interface class (Trusted, Untrusted, Un-restricted) for the role and associated ports. By default, when
using the WEB interface, all ports on the Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 are assigned to the default
interface group name
d „allBayStacklfcs‟ which has an interface class of untrusted. A port on the Ethernet
Routing Switch 5500 can only belong to one role combination.
When configuring a policy, an interface group will be assigned to the policy.
To add a new role combination, complete the following steps:
a) Add a new Interface Group:
qos if-group name <name> class < trusted|unrestricted|untrusted>
b) Assign the physical ports to the Int erface Group:
qos if-assign port <port #> name <if-group name>
qos if-group name role_one class untrusted
qos if-assign port 1/5 name role_one
c) View Role Combination:
To view the Role Combination, enter the following command:
show qos if-assi gn
Unit Port IfIndex Role Combination Queue Set
____ ____ _______ ________________ _________
1 1 1 allBayStackIfcs 8
1 2 2 allBayStackIfcs 8
1 3 3 allBayStackIfcs 8
1 4 4 allBayStackIfcs 8
1 5 5 role_one 8
show qos if-group
Role Interface Capabilities Storage
Combination Class Type
________________________________ ____________ ___________________ ___________
allBayStackIfcs Untrusted Input 802, Input IP ReadOnly
role_one Untrusted Input 802, Input IP NonVolatile