Filters and QOS Configuration for Ethernet Routing Switch 5500
Technical Configuration Guide
January 2013
interface fastEthernet all
qos dhcp spoofing port 2-10 dhcp-server
10.3 DoS
The following command is used to enable the various DoS QoS Applications
interface fastEthernet all
qos dos <nachi a|sql slam |tcp-dnsport|tcp -ftpport|tcp-
synfinscan|xmas> port <port #> enable
The worm targeting SQL Server computers is a self-propagating, malicious code that exploits a
vulnerability that allows for the execution of arbitrary code on the SQL Server computer due to a stack
buffer overflow. Once the worm compromises a machine it will try to propagate itself by crafting packets of
376 bytes and send them to randomly chosen IP addresses on UDP port 1434. If the packet is sent to a
vulnerable machine, this victim machine will become infected and will also begin to propagate. Beyond
the scanning activity for new hosts, the current variant of this worm has no Configuring Quality of Service
and IP Filtering for A vaya Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series, Software Release 4.2 other payload.
Activity of this worm is readily identifiable on a network by the presence of 376 byte UDP packets. These
packets will appear to be originating from seemingly random IP addresses and destined for UDP port
When enabled, the DoS SQLSlam QoS Application will drop UDP traffic whose destination port is 1434
with the byte pattern of 0x040101010101 starting at byte 47 of a tagged packet.
The W32/Nachi variants W32/Nachi -A and W32/Nac hi-B are worms that spread using the RP C DCOM
vulnerability in a similar fashion to the W32/Blaster-A worm. Both rely upon two vulnerabilities in
Microsoft 's software.
When enabled, the DoS Nachia QoS Application will drop ICMP traffic with the byte pattern of 0xaaaaaa)
starting at byte 48 of a tagged packet.
Xmas is a DoS attack that sends TCP packets with all TCP flags set in the same packet; which is illegal.
When enabled, the DoS Xmas QoS Application will drop TCP traffic with the URG:PSH TCP flags
TCP SynFinScan is a DoS attack that sends both a TCP SYN and FIN in the same packet; which is illegal.
When enabled, the TCP SynFinScan QoS Application will drop TCP traffic with the SY N:FIN TCP flags
TCP FtpPort
A TCP FtpP ort attack is identified by TCP packets with a source port of 20 and a destination port less
than 1024; which is illegal. A legal FTP request would have been initiated with a TCP port greater than
1024. When enabled, the TCP FtpPort QoS Application will drop TCP traffic with the TCP SYN fl ag set
and a source port of 20 with a destination port less than or equal to 1024.
TCP DnsPort