Seven switches provide the following functions:
PB1 – Active-high switch connected to Pin 9 (COLOR) of HDJD-J822
PB2 – Active-high switch connected to Pin 10 (BRIGHT) of HDJD-J822
PB3 – MCLR to hard reset the PIC18F252 system controller
PB4 – Active-high switch connected to Pin 4 (RA2) of PIC18F252 system controller
PB5 – Active-high switch connected to Pin 5 (RA3) of PIC18F252 system controller
PB6 – Active-high switch connected to Pin 6 (RA4) of PIC18F252 microcontroller
PB7 – Active-high switch connected to Pin 7 (RA5) of PIC18F252 microcontroller
* By default, 4 different color points will be programmed for PB4-7 for quick demonstration
When pressed, the switches are pulled high (+5V) (except for PB3, which is grounded). When idle, they
are grounded (except for PB3, which is pulled high +5V).
For HDJD-JD11 Development Board, it supports RGB color sensor input. A 3-pin header is provided for
this purpose. Besides that, the development board also included a RGB color sensor module, located on
top of the display panel, for feedback color management demonstration. HDJD-S831 color sensor is used
on the development board.
The S2 DIP switch is used to set the gain of the individual R,G and B channel of the color sensor used on
the development board. Each channel gain is selectable through a 2-bit gain selector.
S2-1 – Green Gain-1
S2-2 – Red Gain-1
S2-3 – Green Gain-0
S2-4 – Red Gain-0
S2-5 – Blue Gain-1
S2-6 – Blue Gain-0
For user information, this S2 gain switch is sensor dependent. Different sensor has different gain setup.
The data sheet for this sensor is included in the CD-ROM for your reference.
A M24C01 1K (128 x 8) serial EEPROM, from STMicroelectronics, is included on the board to illustrate
C bus concepts and to store HDJD-J822 calibration data.