2. Installation
Preparing the Adapter for Installation
OneConnect OCe14000B-series Adapters Installation Manual
pub-005129 Rev. A
2. Installation
This section provides information on changing from the adapter bracket from a
standard bracket to a low-profile adapter bracket, and installing the adapter in a
Preparing the Adapter for Installation
Before installing the adapter, you may need to perform one or both of the following
Change the bracket from a full-height to the low-profile version by following
the instructions in “Changing the Bracket”.
Disable the Secure Firmware feature found on some OCe14000B-series adapter
models by following the instructions in “Enabling or Disabling the Secure
If these procedures are not applicable, proceed to “Installing the Adapter” on page 20.
Changing the Bracket
A standard, full-height PCIe bracket is factory-installed; however, a low-profile bracket
is included in the box with the adapter (except for the OCe14104B adapter, which
cannot use the low-profile bracket).
To change the adapter from a full-height to a low-profile bracket:
1. Some adapters come with optical transceivers embedded in their cage assemblies.
These optical transceivers must be removed before the bracket can be removed. If
the adapter does not include optical transceivers, skip to step 4.
This is a delicate operation–take care not to damage the optical
The adapter uses different types of optical transceivers. Figure 2-1 shows an
example of one type with the bail (handle) extended.
Figure 2-1
Optical Transceiver Example