2. Installation
Preparing the Adapter for Installation
OneConnect OCe14000B-series Adapters Installation Manual
pub-005129 Rev. A
Enabling or Disabling the Secure Firmware Feature
Some OCe14000B-series adapters have a jumper that enables or disables the Secure
Firmware feature as required.
To ensure that the firmware on this adapter cannot be changed offline (using an ISO
flash file), leave the jumper block installed on the relevant jumper pins (Secure
Firmware enabled). To allow offline firmware updates on this adapter, remove the
jumper block from the pins (Secure Firmware disabled); the jumper must be replaced
after the offline update is completed. To update the firmware using a tool such as the
OneCommand Manager application, boot utilities, or Elxflash utilities, there is no need
to remove the jumper – the Secure Firmware feature can remain enabled.
The following illustrations, Figure 2-4 on page 18 through Figure 2-7 on page 20,
provide examples of common locations of the Secure Firmware jumper.
Figure 2-4
Secure Firmware Jumper Location J3 on OCe14401B-series Adapter
Header J3 with jumper
installed (Secure
Firmware enabled)
To disable Secure
Firmware, remove
the jumper from J3