4. Applying Power and Viewing the LEDS
Applying Power
OneConnect OCe14000B-series Adapters Installation Manual
pub-005129 Rev. A
4. Applying Power and Viewing the LEDS
This section provides instructions on how to apply power and how to interpret the
LEDs for various adapter models.
Applying Power
To apply power:
1. Verify that the adapter is securely installed in the system.
2. Verify that the correct device is attached.
3. Plug in and turn on the system.
4. Observe the boot banner for POST results.
LED Indicators
OCe14102B-NT/UT Adapters
Dual Color Amber/Green LED (Link Status)
On (constantly green) = Link up at 1000BASE-T
On (constantly amber) = Link up at 10GBASE-T
Off = Link down
Green LED (Ethernet Activity)
Blink = Activity on the Ethernet link
Off = No activity on the Ethernet link
All Other OCe14000B-series Adapters
Amber LED (Link Status)
On (constantly) = Link up
Off = Link down
Green LED (Ethernet Activity)
Blink = Activity on the Ethernet link
Off = No activity on the Ethernet link