Fitting the Glass Panel
The installation procedure for the glass panel is the same on all types
of hood, although there are more fixing screws on the larger hoods.
Remove the two
screw fixings from
the top of the hood
to release the top
glazing bar.
Carefully position
the glass panel on
the bottom glazing
bar inside the hood.
With the glass
supported at all
times, replace the
top glazing bar and
secure with the two
screw fixings.
Fitting the Light Shield Cloth
The light shield cloth is built
in to the hood and must be
fitted around the camera
lens to prevent light entering
behind the glass. This is
essential for the prompter to
display text clearly.
Fit the light shield cloth
around the camera lens and
pull the drawstring to fully
exclude incidental light.
Ensure that the light shield cloth is only loosely
fitted around the body of the servo lens to allow it to
continue operating freely.