If the Microstimulator size was not chosen beforehand, then it can be chosen during the
procedure. To do so, estimate the appropriate Microstimulator length by using the centimeter
scale on the medial surface of the Surgical Introducers (Figure 6 and Figure 12) once it is
positioned correctly at the pterygomaxillary fissure or within the PPF (Figure 13). This can be
done by reading the distance from the start of the scale on the proximal portion of the Surgical
Introducer to the posterior-lateral edge of the zygomaticomaxillary buttress, and subtracting the
distance from 6.0 cm. Each solid/clear segment of the Surgical Introducer scale represents 0.5
The distance from the proximal portion of the scale to the buttress is three
solid/clear segments (1.5 cm). The estimated Microstimulator length is then 4.5cm, which is
the equivalent of 6.0cm less 1.5cm (Figure 12). In this example, the physician may choose the
medium size of Microstimulator. The Microstimulator length does not include the integral Bone
Fixation Plate.
The distal tip of the Surgical Introducer, when placed properly, is located at the
pterygomaxillary fissure or just within the pterygopalatine fossa. The Lead Blank is used to
create an implant path beyond the tip of the Surgical Introducer within the pterygopalatine
fossa for the Microstimulator Lead. Surgical Introducers include an Insertion Groove (Figure 6)
along the medial surface. Track the Lead Blank along the Insertion Groove on the Surgical
Introducer (Figure 14). Using gentle pressure, advance the Lead Blank along the Insertion
Groove beyond the distal tip of the Surgical Introducer into the pterygopalatine fossa (Figure
15). The Lead Blank has a spherical tip and a flexible shaft that can be used to create an
implant path within the soft tissue of the pterygopalatine fossa. An inferior to superior implant
path or trajectory (Figure 15), starting at the inferior portion of the PPF and progressing
superiorly and medially within the PPF may be associated with better therapy. Implant
trajectories that are more lateral to medial within the PPF are associated with reduced
outcomes compared to inferior to superior trajectories. The Lead Blank is approximately the
same diameter as the Microstimulator Lead.
Figure 14: Advancing the Lead Blank in the Surgical Introducer Insertion Groove