Display Features
The FPM-180(-TS) is capable of displaying 16M (24 Bit) colors in a continuous
spectrum. The high contrast LCD enhances the image with no geometric distortion.
FPM-180(-TS) Series directly accepts an analog 5 wire RGB with separate H/V
(Horizontal / Vertical) sync. This is the standard PC video signal.The FPM-180(-TS)
Series is auto synchronous, adjusting the display to the appropriate input between
The FPM-180(-TS) Series is supplied with a Anti-Glare Touch Screeen [TS models]
or an Anti-Glare impact window on non touch screen models.
The FPM-180(-TS) Series has an integrated 115/220VAC power supply as standard
on all models.
Adjusting the Display
The FPM-180(-TS) Series display has an embedded microprocessor on the converter
card [the electronics that drive the LCD], and has been recently updated with a more
powerful chip set. In most cases the unit will require very little if any user intervention to
operate correctly. That is, produce a sharp, stable picture.
The micoprocessor in the display has the capability to adjust itself to the computer to
which it is attached. This auto-adjustment will take place when the unit is first installed
and connected to a computer, if the video input changes, or the user initates it. If the
picture is not satisfactory, the first step is to allow the unit to attempt to re-adjust itself to
your computer.
Located on the rear of the unit is a membrane keypad used for adjusting the display.
See figure 1 below:
Figure 1