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of Automat ic Systems.
p. 9/33
3.1. Special Tooling List
Crane truck for the handling of the equipment.
3.2. On-Site Preparatory Work
Prepare the pit intended to accommodate the retractable obstacle by respe cting the
instructions of drawing CH 5787 (p22), and in particular the following points:
- Prepare the rain discharge pipe.
- Prepare the cable guides for the connecting cables:
Between the main power supply and the electric box;
Between the electric box and the traffic lights;
Between the electric box and the 2 intermediate boxes on the RSB (see p11);
Between the electric box and the pushbutton box;
Between the electric box and the eventual options.
- The pit must be made of concrete, oriented so that the mobile obstacle, after installation, is
flush with the final road surface, even if the latter is inclined.
For that, it is imperative that the dimensions indicated on the plan be complied with!
- Rainwater must in no circumstances accumulate in the pit, as the equipment is not designed
to work in total immersion. If necessary, the RSB can be installed slightly higher than the
road (with ramps either side) in order to limit the chance of water accumulating in the pit.
- The base (1, p5) must be sunk into the concrete of the bottom of the pit, parallel to the road.
The concrete at the bottom of the pit must slope towards the rain discharge pipe.
The fixing pins only must remain accessible and should protrude from the concrete of the
bottom of the pit by as little as possible (but not all at the same height, because of the
slope). Protect them from possible concrete splashes, by means of adhesive tape for
3.3. Storing The Equipment Before Installation
Storage temperature extremes:
-30°C to +80°C.
Fixing pin
with slope