© Copyright
This documentation with all illustrations is the intellectual property of the Autoenterprise,
Group of Companies. All documentation is provided to the user for personal use only. The
entire documentation or any part of it cannot be reproduced or provided to others without the
written permission of the developer. Any violation will be prosecuted.
All information, illustrations, tables, specifications, and diagrams contained in this
Operating Instruction have been carefully compiled, in accordance with the state
of the art at the time of publication. The Developer shall not be responsible for
errors, missing information, and any subsequent damage or consequential loss.
The software has been designed and installed exclusively for the Charging Station operation
and it should only be used for the purposes for which it was developed. The user is strictly
prohibited from making any changes, transformations, or copying the software (except for
necessary backups).
The Developer shall reserve the right to make changes regarding illustrations, tables,
characteristics, and diagrams contained in this Operating Instruction at any time without prior
notice to the consumers.