Chapter 4
Configuring and Using the Sample Applications
Autodesk MapGuide LiteView gets the new image from Autodesk
MapGuide Server, and returns it to the browser in PNG or JPEG format.
To recenter a map, the sample application uses an interpolation technique to
center the bounding box within the frame specified by the MCS, not filling
the frame if the map is non-square. For more information, see “Designing the
Recenter Feature,” on page 78.
Using the Sample Help Files
After installing the ColdFusion sample application, the
Help files are
place in
You can use these Help files as a basis for creating Help for your own
Autodesk MapGuide LiteView application. The files are HTML help files,
HTML Help style sheets (
files) images (
files), and JavaScript
). To view the Help, you must use a Netscape Navigator or
Microsoft Internet Explorer browser that is capable of interpreting the style
sheets. Each HTML page references the JavaScript file to determine which
browser the user is using and attach the appropriate stylesheet.
When the user clicks the Help button, a URL opens and displays Help for the
sample application in a new window. The Help function executes once when
the button is clicked.
Understanding the Zoom In Implementation
When the user clicks the Zoom In button, and then clicks the map, the
sample application zooms in on the map by a zoom factor of 2. The ColdFu-
sion sample application takes the following steps to zoom in on a map:
When the user clicks the map, the sample application sends a request to
Autodesk MapGuide LiteView with a new bounding box that is shifted,
and decreased by the default zoom factor of two.
The new map image is created and sent back to the browser.
Understanding the Zoom Out Implementation
When the user clicks the Zoom Out button, and then clicks the map, the
sample application zooms out of the map by a zoom factor of one-half.
Understanding the UnZoom Implementation
When the user clicks the Unzoom button, a get request is sent to the
ColdFusion map template, the sample application clears selected features
and the Feature Info frame, and activates Select And Identify. The mode
parameter is cleared, so Unzoom is executed only once. The ColdFusion