The WMS Viewer Sample Application
WMS Viewer appears and, after a few seconds, loads the Sample World
Map automatically.
To get pop-up help, click the Help button in WMS Viewer’s upper-right
WMS Viewer
Extending WMS Viewer
You can use WMS Viewer as a model for writing your own Autodesk
MapGuide LiteView applications. In general, it’s better to start with a copy of
WMS Viewer and modify it to suit your needs. This section describes WMS
Viewer’s architecture and gives an example of how to add a new feature to it.
WMS Viewer’s default location is
C:\Program Files\Autodesk\MapGuideLiteView6.5\WmsViewer.
WMS Viewer is written in JavaScript, HTML, Java, and JSP (JavaServer Pages).
JSP is a server-side process that creates an HTML page from a JSP source page.
A Web container processes the JSP source and displays the resulting HTML in
a browser. You can inspect the JSP source code in the file
located in WMS Viewer’s
subfolder. Part of WMS Viewer is written in Java.
This code mainly is used to issue the GetCapabilities request to the WMS
server, and parse the returned capabilities document. The Java source code is
available in
C:\Program Files\Autodesk\MapGuideLiteView6.5\WmsViewer\src
. The Java