BCT Tester Does Not Read
Battery Temperature
This is most commonly due to the LM (load module) not powered on, or a loss of BlueTooth
connection between the CM (control module/Tablet) and LM.
1) Make sure the LM is powered on & charged. Observe the LED indicator. If the
indicator is not lit, push and release the LM button to “wake up” the LM.
2) If the LM does not wake up, has it been charged recently? If not, charge the unit, and
try again.
3) If the LM has been charged, try a reset of the LM, by pushing and holding the LM
power button for 3 to 4 seconds, then release the button.
4) If the LM does have a lit LED indicator, observe the CM, and in the upper left corner
of the screen, look to see if it says “not connected”, or “connected”. If not connected,
and the LM is on, then push & hold the button on the side of the CM for a few
seconds until a menu pops up for “power off, airplane mode, restart”. Choose
“Restart”. Allow the unit to Restart, and verify that the LM is indeed on. The CM
should reconnect to the LM during power up, after just a few seconds.
5) Should all of the above steps fail, verify that the correct CM is “paired” to the
matching LM (if there are more than 1 unit in use). Also, make sure the unit has not
“lost its pairing” with the LM. To do this, touch the 3 dots in the upper right corner
of the screen to open the drop-down menu. Touch Bluetooth Settings. In the upper
portion of the screen, it will show “Paired Devices”. The paired device number should
match the identification label on the LM. If the CM is not paired to anything, midway
down the screen it will show “Other Available Devices”, with a list. Choose the item
that matches the LM module, then touch “Pair”.
BCT Tester Status LED Indicator
Blinking Red: Indicates that the Control Module (CM) is charging.
Solid Red: Indicates that the Load Module (LM) is charging, or the LM and CM are both
Double Blinking Green (Heartbeat pattern): Indicates that the CM is awake and connected via
Bluetooth to the LM.
Solid Green: Indicates that the LM is awake, and the CM not (bluetooth) connected. Most
commonly, this will happen when the CM is “asleep”, and when you wake up the CM, by pushing
the side button, it will then connect via Bluetooth to the LM, and the solid green will turn to the
double (heartbeat) type of flashing green. The solid green will also happen when the LM is fully
charged, and the CM is asleep. If charging, the indicator will be solid Red.
Solid Yellow: Indicates the CM and LM are connected and are busy taking electrical system
No LED Illumination: Indicates that the LM is powered off. If the LM is not placed in the charging
station and the large clamps are not connected to a 12 V source, the LM will automatically
power off in about 2 minutes to conserve battery life. The LM can be turned on by pressing the
power button located on the LM under the CM. The LM can also be powered by connecting the
LM large clamps to a 12 V source. The LM will also automatically turn on when placed in the
charging station.
Battery Voltage Too Low For Test
If you get this message, and the on-screen voltmeter is showing exceptionally low voltage, yet
the vehicle starts ok, check to be sure the main cables of the tester are securely connected, and
connected to clean terminals. A poor connection can trigger this message.
Connect Clamps to the Battery
If you get this message, and the on-screen voltmeter is showing exceptionally low voltage, yet
the vehicle starts ok, check to be sure the main cables of the tester are securely connected, and
connected to clean terminals. A poor connection can trigger this message.
Cranking current not detected
If using the current probe, and this message pops up, this is most likely due to improper location
of the current probe installation. It must be on the positive cable between the battery pack, and
the starter.