Video Port management
The Video Management page offers direct, trouble-free switching from any input (source) to one or more
outputs (sinks): for switching, user can select the input (once selected, it will stay highlighted) and then click on
the output tab (or tabs) to switch. Once switched, the output tab will indicate the input port info once switched.
Changing name of port
For switching, you can choose which audio source is used in the top right corner of the pull-down menu.
The following options are available:
VE to VE: Source audio to sink +embedded audio to de-embedded
VE to EV: Source audio to de-embedded, embedded audio to sink
E to VE: Embedded audio to sink and de-embedded
E to E: Embedded audio to de-embedded
V to V: Source audio to sink
V to E: Source audio to de-embedded
The name of a slot can only be changed in the Web GUI. In the menu item Video Management on the right,
switch to the view S2. There you can edit the names of the slots and save them with OK.