User manual 650201135G
The technical features can be change without forecast. AUR°EL S.p.A doesn’t assume any responsibilities due from improper use of the device.
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The Demo RX Boost 869 is an four button central unit command by Tx Demo Boost 869,5
transmitter with Microchip HCS Keeloq Trademark encoder, programmed with Aur°el code. 12Vdc
or 24Vac power supply is selectable by jumper.
The four relays mounted on board can work both in monostable and bistable mode depending on
the features.
How it works
Before to supply the Demo board, set the jumper depending on the voltage power supply:
Switch-off jumper = 10-12Vdc
Switch-on jumper = 24-26Vac
Supplying the demo board, the led mounted on it, switches-on for a short time and it switches-off
immediately to show the correct working. At this point having programmed transmitters with
Aur°el code, it can go on with auto learning procedure.
Auto learning procedure
In order to enter in this phase, push for an instant the auto learning button near to the led. At this
point the led starts to blink quicly for ten seconds and in this time the user has to transmit a valid
code pushing any buttons.
When a valid code is received, the led switches in a permanent lighting for a short moment and it
switches-off immediately.
Pushing one by one the four buttons of the transmitter, it gets the monostable switching of the
relative relays. Repeating the procedure it can be memorized in to the micro up to ten different