Press <EXIT> to come out of edit mode, and
<EXIT> again to return to the channel list.
If changes have been made a pop up window
saying “Are you sure to save?” will ask to
confirm the changes. Highlight “Yes” and
press <OK> to save the changes, or “No”
and press <OK> to discard the changes.
Delete permanently removed a channel from
the listings and selection screens. To delete a
channel in the list press the <BLUE> Delete
button and the Delete icon at the top of the
screen is highlighted. Highlight the channel
to delete then press <OK> and channel is
marked for delete with an X icon. Any
number of channels may be marked in this
way. To un-mark a channel highlight it when
it has the X icon, and press <OK>.
To delete the channels press <EXIT> to come
out of delete marking mode, and <EXIT>
again to return to the channel list. If changes
have been made a pop up window saying
“Are you sure to save?” will ask to confirm
the channel delete. Highlight “Yes” and press
<OK> to save the changes, or “No” and press
<OK> to discard the changes. Delete All
To clear all channels from the listing
highlight the “Delete All” and press <OK>.
A window will pop up to confirm delete all
Edit allow the user to rename a channel. To
change the name of a channel in the list
press the <GREEN> Edit button and the
Edit icon at the top of the screen is
highlighted. Highlight the channel to rename
then press <OK> and Rename window will
pop up with the channel name. Use the table
in for the desired characters, and the
<RED> button to turn capital letters on and
off, and the <GREEN> button to delete a
character at the cursor position.
Press the <YELLOW> OK button to accept
the edited name, or the <BLUE> CANCEL
button to discard any changes.
up window saying “Are you sure to save?”
will ask to confirm the changes. Highlight
“Yes” and press <OK> to save the changes,
or “No” and press <OK> to discard the
changes. Edit
Edit allows the user to sort, rename and
delete channels. Press the <BLUE> Edit
button and the Icons at the top of the screen
change to Sort, Edit and Delete.
Press the <RED> Sort button to bring up a
menu allowing channels to be sorted in
order of Name(A-Z), Name(Z-A), Free to
view/Scrambled, Locked. Highlight the
desired option by pressing the <
or <
buttons and press <OK>. Press the <EXIT>
button to return to the edit list without sorting.
Press <EXIT> to return to the Program
options. If changes have been made a pop
Press <EXIT> to return to the channel list
and press <EXIT> again to return to the
Program options. If changes have been
made a pop up window saying “Are you
sure to save?” will ask to confirm the
changes. Highlight “Yes” and press <OK>
to save the changes, or “No” and press
<OK> to discard the changes.
5.8.3 Installation
The Channel Search menu allows you to
search for channels and change channel
search settings. The selected countries
settings will be used. Use auto scan to
search for new channels if the receiver is
moved to a different TV area. Channel Scan
Channel Scan is used to search for channels
on a specific frequency. Highlight Channel
Scan and press <OK>.
Highlight Scan Mode and press
to select search by Channel or
<◄ > or
< ►>
When searching by Channel, highlight
Channel No. and press <◄ > or < ►> to
select the channel then press the <
buttons to highlight Search and
press <OK>.
channels. Highlight “Yes” and press <OK>
to delete all channels, or “No” and press
<OK> to cancel and return to the Edit
Channel menu.