5. MAYA Control Panel
If you have properly installed PCI card and software driver for
MAYA properly, your system will display
icon on your
desktop system menu bar. Click it once and it will display the
MAYA Control Panel as below. While reading through this
section, it may help to actually sit down in front of your PC and
I N P U T / O U T P U T R E F E R E N C E L E V E L S
1.INPUT Level Faders
Click and drag/turn (wheel mouse) to change the input level.
Check the manuals of the audio equipment you want to connect to
MAYA’s inputs. It should be –10dBV device.
Input level faders control “Input Level” and “Input Monitoring
Level” simultaneously.
Remember that Input Level fader only
can increase the input level/input monitoring level.
As you can
see, Input Level Faders start from 0dB at the very bottom.
2.OUTPUT Level Faders