Copyright © by Audiotechnik Dietz
● Germany
Rev 1, Stand: 02/2018
Conncect the brown and black ISO Connector with your radio.
Attention: Sometimes are the red and yellow wires mixed. You can change them
with the integrated bullets in the wires.
Diagramm black Iso connector: (view from wiring side)
1 not used 3. not used 5: remote (blue) 7. ignition (red)
2 not used 4: memory (yellow) 6: Illumination (orange) 8: ground (black)
For 66030, 66031_BP, 66032_BP:
The 4-pol plug from the harness is the connection for steering wheel control to the
radio. There are different cables available depending from the radio brand.
Connect the optional cable between this plug and the connection on the radio.
ostly 3.5 mm plug or single wire called „SWC“ or „Remote Control“)
For 66020, 66030, 66031_BP, 66032_BP:
Conncet the 14 pol-plug from the harness with the interface. In case of interface
66020 you have to open the interface box to find the connector.
Connect the double ISO connector with the opposite connector in the car.
Technical data
Power supply: 12 V DC
Temperature range: - 40 - +85 °C
Weight: 0,127 kg
Dimensions: Cable length approx. 300 mm
Audiotechnik Dietz
Maybachstr. 10
D-67269 Grünstadt