- The phone books -
How to enter names
The number keys are also inscribed with letters for entering the name. By
repeatedly pressing the appropriate button, upper case letters as well as numbers
can be entered.
To enter a space, press the 1 button once.
To enter the same letter twice, press the appropriate letter and wait for a second
before pressing the button again.
Incorrect entries can be deleted with the
Example: You wish to enter the name “Peter”.
Press: 1 x button 7, 2 x button 3, 1 x button 8, 2 x button 3, 3 x button 7
Button 1
space, -, 1
Button 2
A, B, C,2
Button 3
D, E, F, 3
Button 4
G, H, I, 4
Button 5
J, K, L, 5
Button 6
M, N, O, 6
Button 7
P, Q, R, S, 7
Button 8
T, U, V, 8
Button 9
W, X, Y, Z, 9
Button 0