P. 7
- AUDIOLAB Live Snake 16.8
English version
This product uses the Dante digital audio network
protocol to send and receive audio signals. The
default configuration network audio protocol is 16
in 8 out DANTE network audio. (The other:the de
fault configuration network audio protocol is 8 in
16 out DANTE network audio.) Dante is a protocol
developed by Audinate that is designed to deliver
multichannel audio signals at various sampling
and bit rates, as well as device control signals over
a Gigabit Ethernet network. For information about
Dante, please visit the Audinate website. http://
Firmware Upgrade
The module firmware is upgradable over the net
work. Firmware upgrades are performed by up
loading the upgrade file via either the device web
interface or via the provided firmware upgrade
tool. Software and firmware version information
can be obtained via the device web interface or
the Dante Controller. Please download the DANTE
Firmware Update Manager from:www.seikaku.
hk and install it. Then follow the instructions to
After installation, please find and double click
the DANTE Firmware Update Manager on your
2. Click “Next” button and you can see the
following interface, then click “Update Dante
Firmware” button:
3. Click “Browse” to find the update file path
and select which you want, then go “Next”: