Power Up Process: When a +3 to +12V sig-
nal is sensed at the trigger input of either
of the 1/8” TS connectors, or the 3-pin
connector, the rear panel master trigger
indicator LED will change from off to blue.
All the zones will be held in standby for
about 2 seconds until the power supplies
have fully charged and performed their
self-tests. During this short process, the
front panel Power and Protection LEDs
will be red. Once this is complete, the
Power LED will turn blue and the Protec-
tion LED will turn off.
Power Down Process: As soon as a 0V
signal is sensed at the master trigger in-
puts, all zones will be muted and placed in
standby, and the rear panel master trigger
LED will change from blue to off. The front
panel Power LED will remain on, as the
main power supplies will be still energized.
If the master trigger Inputs remain at 0V
for 2 seconds, the main power supplies
will shut off; the front panel Power LED
will change from blue to red. The Protec-
tion LED will flash red once during the
power-down process.
The trigger input is biased towards
ground. This keeps the unit in standby
when nothing is connected.
If you are not using master triggering or
the Ethernet connection, then you must
install a short wire link from the +12V
output to the trigger input. To put the unit
into standby, remove the link.
Wire Link
To trigger ON with a contact closure:
Connect the contact closure between
+12V and Trigger Input
To trigger OFF with a contact closure:
Connect a 1 kΩ resistor b12V
and Trigger Input
Connect the contact closure between
Trigger Input and GND
To use an external 12V trigger:
Connect the external ground to the
Director D2800 GND
Connect the ex12V output
voltage to the Director D2800 Trigger
12 Volt Trigger (continued)