Thank you and congratula;ons for purchasing your AudioControl Rialto 400.
This User Manual is your guide to installing and using the Rialto 400 Amplifier and DAC,
including informa`on on its more advanced features. The Contents Table will help you navigate
to the area of the manual you are looking for. It is a good idea to read the whole manual in
order to acclima`ze yourself with the full workings and features of the Rialto 400.
Established in Seable nearly four decades ago, we have always been dedicated to designing,
engineering and building world-‐class audio products from the ground up. In the process, we’ve
earned a reputa`on worldwide for opera`ng at the highest levels of reliability and performance
with a mission of
‘Making Good Sound Great’.
We trust that you will get many years of sa`sfying and trouble-‐free opera`on from the Rialto
400. If you require more informa`on about the Rialto 400 or any of AudioControl products, do
not hesitate to talk to our dealers worldwide or contact us directly at our Seable base in the
rainforests of the Pacific Northwest, USA. The days can be rainy and cold but there is always a
warm welcome and a hot cup of coffee available all year round
AudioControl User Manual -‐ Rialto 400
Introduc;on and Contents
Contents Table
Page No.
Ge1ng Started
…………………………………………………………………… 2
Introduc;on and Contents
………………………..……………….……….. 3
A Quick Look at the Rialto 400
…………………………………..….……. 4
Installa;on Guidelines
……………………………………………...………… 5
Guided Tour
………………………………………………….…………. 6
Guided Tour
……………………………………………….…………….. 7
Guided Tour
……..……………………………….……………….. 8
Single Source Set-‐up
…………………………………………………………… 9
Two Source Set-‐up
……………………………………………………………… 10
Speaker Set-‐Up
…………………………………………………………………… 11
Input Priority Se1ngs
………………………………………………………… 12
Adjus;ng Gain and Levels
……………………….….……………………… 13
Adjus;ng AudioControl AccuBASS™
……………………………..…… 14
Troubleshoo;ng & Service
……………………………………………...... 15
……………………………………………..…………..…..…….. 16
……………………….……………..……………………………………. 17
What’s New at AudioControl
…………………………………..…………. 18
Important Safety Instruc;ons
……………………………………...……. 19
Making Good Sound Great
………………….........……………………... 20
Summary of Contents for Rialto 400
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