You should inspect your hearing
instruments daily and clean them
periodically to control wax buildup. To
clean, very gently wipe the surface with
a soft, dry cloth or moist cleaning wipes
made especially for hearing instruments.
Do not allow water or liquid to enter any
openings on the instruments.
Inspect the tip of the ear canal portion
of the hearing instruments for any wax
buildup. Using only the wax tool supplied,
carefully remove any wax from around the
sound outlet as directed by your hearing
healthcare provider. Be very careful not to
push wax into the opening or to insert the
tool deeply into the opening.
The wearing of an earmold or in-the-ear
hearing instruments may accelerate the
accumulation of ear wax. This can easily
be removed by your physician or in some
cases your hearing healthcare provider. You
should not use cotton swabs to clean your
ears, due to the risk of pushing the wax
deeper into the ear canal.
Cleaning Your Hearing Instrument
Hearing instruments are exposed to
moisture in the form of humidity and
perspiration while being worn. The daily
use of a dehumidifying system or drying
kit approved by your hearing healthcare
provider is recommended. These
accessories may be purchased from
your hearing healthcare provider.
The most common causes of hearing aid
repair are wax and moisture. If you are
encountering recurrent repairs, please
discuss the various wax/moisture
prevention systems and accessories with
your hearing healthcare provider.
Care and Storage
The materials used in your hearing instru-
ments are of the highest quality available,
and the likelihood of an allergic reaction is
slight. If a skin irritation occurs, including
redness, swelling or itching where the
hearing aid makes contact with your
ear – contact your physician and hearing
healthcare provider.
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