Children with Hearing Loss
You should visit your hearing healthcare
provider if your hearing instruments are in
need of service. If you no longer have a
hearing healthcare provider and are in need
of one, you may contact Audina and we will
assist you in finding one in your area. If you
are unable to visit a hearing healthcare
provider, you may send your hearing aids
directly to the manufacturer.
Before planning to return your instruments
for repair, please refer to the troubleshoot-
ing chart on the proceeding page. Many
times these solutions can prevent the time
and cost associated with a repair.
If you need to send your instruments
directly to the manufacturer, carefully pack
your instruments in a sturdy box and send
it to:
Hearing Instruments, Inc.
P. O. Box 877
Casselberry, FL 32718-0877
You must include your current phone
number and home address. There is a $40
charge to cover shipping and handling.
Please include a check, payable to Audina
Hearing Instruments, Inc. for said amount
when sending your instruments for service.
Service and Repair Information
It is recommended to purchase shipping
insurance when sending your hearing aids
to the manufacturer.
If your hearing instruments are out of
warranty, we will assist you in finding
a hearing healthcare provider in your
local area.
In addition to seeing a physician for a
medical evaluation, a child with a hearing
loss should be directed to an audiologist for
evaluation and rehabilitation since hearing
loss may cause problems in language
development and the education and social
growth of a child. An audiologist is qualified
by training and experience to assist in the
evaluation and rehabilitation of a child with
hearing loss.
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