Checking and topping up
Petrol grade
Applies to: vehicles with petrol engine
The correct grade of petrol is Listed inside the
fuel tank flap.
The vehicle is equipped with a catalytic converter
and must only be run on
unleaded petrol.
petrol must comply with the EN 228 or DIN
51626-1 standard and must be
You can fuel your vehicle with fuels containing a
maximum of 10% ethanol (ElO). The petrol
grades have different
octane ratings
The following headings relate to the sticker on
the inside of your vehicle's tank flap:
Unleaded fuel only RON/ROZ 95 Super,
Premium or min. RON/ROZ 91 Normal
The use of premium petrol (95 RON) is recom
mended. If that type of fuel is not available, reg
ular petrol (RON 91) can be used with a slight
loss of power.
Unleaded fuel only, min. RON/ROZ 95
Super, Premium
Premium petrol (at least 95 RON) must be used.
If premium petrol is not available, the engine can
be run on regular petrol with 91 RON as an
gency measure.
In this case only use moderate
engine speeds and a light throttle. Fill up with
premium or Super Plus petrol as soon as possi
Unleaded fuel only RON/ROZ 98 Super Plus
or min. RON/ROZ 95 Super, Premium
The use of Super Plus petrol (98 RON) is recom
mended. If that type of fuel is not available, pre
mium petrol (RON 95) can be used with a slight
loss of power.
If premium petrol is not available, the engine can
be run on regular petrol with 91 RON as an
gency measure.
In this case only use moderate
engine speeds and a light throttle. Fill up with
Checking and topping up fluids
premium or Super Plus petrol as soon as possi
- Do NOT fuel your vehicle with high-ethanol
fuel blends (e.g. E50 or E85). This will dam
age the fuel system.
- Just one tank of leaded fuel or fuel with
metallic additives will permanently impair
the efficiency of the catalytic converter.
- You should use only petrol additives which
have been approved by Audi. Additives with
so-called octane boosters or antiknock addi
tives can contain metallic additives that
cause significant damage to the engine and
the catalytic converter. Do not use such ad
- Metal-based fuels, which can be identified
from the marking on the fuel dispenser,
must not be used. LRP fuel (lead replace
ment petrol) also contains high concentra
tions of metallic additive. Risk of engine
- High engine speed and full throttle can
damage the engine when using petrol with
an octane rating lower than the correct
grade for the engine.
- You can use higher octane fuel than your en
gine requires.
- In countries where sulphur-free fuel is not
available, you may use low-sulphur fuel in
Diesel fuel
Applies to: vehicles with diesel engine
Please note the information on the inside of the
fuel tank flap.
The use of
sulphur-free diesel
to EN 590 is rec
ommended. If that type of fuel is unavailable,
to EN 590 can be used. It must have a ce
tane number (CN) of at least 51. The cetane
number indicates the ignition quality of the die-
sel fuel.