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Convenience electronics
Control unit with display in dash panel insert J285
Basic functions
The dash panel insert in the Audi A4 '05 is based on
the dash panel insert from the Audi A4 '01. The basic
functions of the dash panel insert are unchanged.
The innovations were necessary due to the adoption
of components and units from the Audi A6 '05 and
Audi A3 '04.
The dash panel insert also incorporates:
the dash panel insert
a gateway for linking the three data buses -
driveline CAN bus, convenience CAN bus and
infotainment CAN bus
the immobiliser
Driver information system
The driver information system basically corresponds
to the system used in the A3 Sportback.
A fuel tank symbol has been added for displaying
the vehicle range.
The symbol is for differentiation purposes, since the
function "Distance" has also been added to the
previous displays.