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When carrying out repairs, secure engine with bracket -
VAS 6095/1-7- to engine and gearbox support - VAS 6095-
Crankshaft - exploded view
1 - Cylinder block
❑ Matched to -item 12-
❑ Applying sealant onto
cylinder block (for re‐
taining frame)
2 - Gaskets
❑ Renew
3 - Oil seal for crankshaft (pul‐
ley end)
❑ Renewing
4 - Dowel sleeve
❑ 3x
❑ Insert in retaining frame
❑ Installation position
5 - 9 Nm
6 - Guide tube for oil dipstick
7 - O-ring
❑ Renew
8 - Bolts
❑ For retaining frame
❑ Renew
❑ Use old bolts when
measuring radial clear‐
❑ Different bolt lengths
❑ Tightening sequence
9 - Baffle plate
10 - Bolt
❑ Tightening torque and sequence
11 - Bolt
❑ For sealing surfaces: cylinder block/retaining frame
❑ Different bolt lengths
❑ Tightening torques and sequence
12 - Retaining frame
❑ Matched to -item 1-
❑ Applying sealant onto cylinder block (for retaining frame)
Audi A8 2003 ➤
10-cylinder direct petrol injection engine (5.2 ltr. 4-valve), mechanics - Edition 10.2013
Rep. gr.13 - Crankshaft group