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13 - Thrust washer
❑ Only fitted on 4th crankshaft bearing
❑ Oil groove faces outwards
❑ Make sure it engages in retaining frame
❑ Measuring axial clearance of crankshaft
14 - Bearing shell
❑ For retaining frame (without oil groove)
❑ Renew used bearing shells
❑ Fit new bearing shells for retaining frame with the correct colour coding: for new crankshafts
, for used and machined crankshafts
15 - Crankshaft
❑ Crankshaft dimensions
16 - Thrust washer
❑ Only fitted on 4th crankshaft bearing
❑ Oil groove faces outwards
❑ Measuring axial clearance of crankshaft
17 - Bearing shell
❑ For cylinder block (with oil groove)
❑ Renew used bearing shells
❑ Fit new bearing shells for cylinder block with the correct colour coding: for new crankshafts
, for used and machined crankshafts
18 - Gaskets
❑ Renew
Baffle plate - tightening torque and sequence
– Tighten bolts to 9 Nm in the sequence -1 … 21-.
Audi A8 2003 ➤
10-cylinder direct petrol injection engine (5.2 ltr. 4-valve), mechanics - Edition 10.2013
3. Crankshaft